Thursday, August 5, 2010

Maintenance Of Linoleum Floors

To seal a newly laid linoleum floor is not as hard as most commercial cleaning companies tend to make out. However, there are a few simple steps that need to be taken to ensure that the linoleum flooring of your contract stays looking as good as possible for quite a few years to come.

First, it is imperative that any adhesives be removed from any corners or joins in the floor before any sealant goes on to it. never seal in adhesives. Use mineral turps if necessary and immediately rinse off with water. Linoleum is easily damaged by strong solvents so be very careful and follow the manufacturers instructions on this at all times.

Next you need to prepare the surface for sealing. You need to cut back the factory polymer sealer and residual resins before you seal the floor as this will ensure a superior adhesion of the new sealer. you should never seal a newly laid linoleum floor without at least cutting back once lightly. A word of caution though. Linoleum floors are very prone to 'burning' or 'browning' so be very careful as to your choice of pads and chemicals you use on the floor. Consult your chemical company if you are unsure before you begin the job.It is preferable to rinse the floor twice with new linoleum flooring with warm water.

The choice of the proper sealer is very important. generally linoleum is not designed to be a wet look glossy floor so only two coats are required. By doing this you are sealing the floor for protection and easy maintenance. there are many finishes available so check with your chemical supplier which one is best suited.

For regular maintenance, a neutral PH floor cleaner between 5 and 8 should be used. A damp mop in warm water should do the job and never wet mop a linoleum floor...always damp mop.

Whether you are a commercial cleaning, office cleaning, industrial cleaning or house cleaning business, you will come across linoleum floors. If you follow these simple steps, you should have no issues and you will get a great looking floor that is easy to maintain every day.

1 comment:

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