Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Being A Great Boss In A Commercial Cleaning Business

A commercial cleaning  business basically refers to office buildings, schools, retail stores, factories, car parks, hospitals and the like. This business involves the cost of heavy machinery and can be a huge start up cost. To start a commercial cleaning business, you really need to do your homework and very thoroughly at that. It isn't a matter of just saying, "i'm going out and purchasing a truck load of cleaning equipment and I'm gonna make it rich"! If that's your mentality, you are going to fail and lose all your money in the process. there is a lot to consider when deciding to start commercial cleaning business. consider the following start up facts before you go any further.

Commercial cleaning can incorporate many facets of cleaning. You can go into industrial cleaning, office cleaning,  domestic cleaning and the list goes on. the first thing you would need to do is pick what area you are going to specialize in. There's no use it doing domestic cleaning and buying a truck load of commercial cleaning equipment for that. Using heavy commercial equipment in someones house could rip the place apart. Not a thing you want happen to you. 

Think about how you are going to market your commercial cleaning business. Are you going to have a website? If you are, then you would need to get it optimized properly so that people can find your business amongst the myriads of results that would come up in their search. What about a name? Make sure that you chose a name that has something to do with cleaning so that you can register that domain name. For example, it's easier to get a site ranked that is called www.professionacleaning.com than one that's called www.joeblow.com. Your main keywords for the first one could be, cleaning and professional cleaning. For the second one, joe blow means nothing in relation to a cleaning business. It's always better to have your keywords in your domain name.

There's quite a bit to the process of starting up a cleaning business. Do it right the first time and you wont be sorry for any decisions you make along the way to success.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Commercial Cleaning In Melbourne/Strip And Seal A Floor

One of the most time consuming and tricky aspects of commercial cleaning, is the task of stripping and sealing a vinyl floor. there are many problems associated with it and if you don't know what you are doing, then the results can be anything but impressive. A decent commercial cleaner that's worth his weight would know how to do a fantastic job when attempting to strip and seal your vinyl or most other types of flooring.

First off, the area needs to be cleared of all furniture and other bits and pieces. Then the area needs to be thoroughly vacuumed as any dust left on the floor will ruin the glass like finish you are hoping to achieve. Most office cleaning companies have all the proper equipment needed to do this properly. Once the are is clean, a mop and bucket should be used to thoroughly wet the area with the stripper in the bucket. the water should always be as hot as possible, not boiling though as that may damage the floor and not to mention the fumes in the steam from the stripper. Once the stripper solution is down, some steel wool should be used around the edges but always wear gloves as the solution can be very caustic. Remove all scuff marks with the steel wool. then run a buffer with the vac off using the correct type of pad depending on how much old polish needs to be removed. Run the buffer length wise and then cross wise to make sure the whole surface area of the floor is covered. Once that's done, use a wet vac to remove the stripper off the floor followed by a clean mop to clean up any streaks and excess stripper.

You should let it dry before giving it a final buff to seal the floor. Most commercial cleaning companies that I have ever worked with usually leave that last step out for times sake but if you don't seal the floor before laying down new polish, the finish wont be as good. Once the floor is completely dry, run a vacuum over the area to pick up any loose dust which remains on the floor. Give the floor at least three coats of a suitable polish and wait till the coat is touch dry before applying the next coat. At no time should you buff the polish between coats. Try and allow at least eight to ten hours hardening time before the floor is used. if the polish is too 'soft', then any scratches or scuff marks will become permanent when the polish hardens. this hardening usually takes between 24-48 hours depending on the polish itself.

If the commercial cleaning company you have employed for your office cleaning doesn't use this simple method of  stripping and sealing your vinyl floors, ask them why and if they seem to be taking short cuts with your office cleaning, then give them the flick. At Ringwood Property Services we don't take shortcuts and stay until the job is done. Our commercial cleaning team is a dedicated lot. Call or email us if you need any references or an obligation free quote and see what a difference a good commercial cleaning company can make to your next office clean.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Makes A Good Commercial Cleaning Company Over A Bad One

What makes a good commercial cleaning company over a bad one? Let's face it. it's happened to everyone of us if we have ever employed a commercial cleaner to take care of our office cleaning or to do our property maintenance. It's just a fact of life and really, it's not a biggie. There are plenty of commercial cleaning companies out there. What is it though that makes one cleaning company better than another? Is it that one has better cleaning techniques than another or is it more to do with the attitude of the staff that they might employ?

It doesn't take much skill for example to push a vacuum cleaner around in a commercial property. Nor does it take much skill to swish a toilet brush around in a bowl. What it does take is the proper attitude. Anyone can vacuum carpet. Anyone can clean a toilet bowl. What sets a lot of good cleaners apart from bad cleaners is their attitude. Let me explain. In all commercial cleaning jobs, to vacuum and clean toilets is a must. If the cleaner has the attitude that near enough is good enough, then they wont last very long in the job. Their attitude should be that if they get paid to do a specific task, they do it to the best of their abilities and to the standard that is required by the commercial cleaning company as well as the client. I have seen far too many cleaners over the years try and get away with cutting corner after corner in the hope of being able to get away early for whatever reasons. Some have the attitude that 'I don't want to be here, I hate this job'. Well, so be it then. I fired people like that because it ended up costing me money and sometimes the commercial cleaning contract as well. Not worth the price.

A good office cleaning company will always put the client over a lazy cleaner that they might have unfortunately employed. At Ringwood Property services we try and filter our prospective cleaners as much as possible and get the ones with a good attitude towards the type of work they are about to partake in. If down the track a bad attitude manifests itself, we simply terminate them. In the end, it's the client and we as the commercial cleaning company that suffer if we keep ones like that on permanently.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Let Our Industrial Cleaning Team Work For You

At Ringwood Property Services, we are on the cutting edge of industrial cleaning to give you the best service that money can buy. We offer many services and are certified in all services we provide such as carpet cleaning, factory floor clean ups, mold cleanup as well as flood damage cleans. We offer high quality workmanship on time every time which means there's no waiting around. Our employees are also drug free and are  are highly qualified in their areas of expertise.

We guarantee all our work 100%. We have been successful for a very good reason with our industrial cleaning division. By honest pricing that doesn’t change when we see your factory is a little bit dirtier than we first expected. We always  stay committed to our price and workmanship. We are dedicated to doing it right the first time without over charging you when the industrial cleaning job takes a little bit longer than expected.. Our methods of cleaning and our equipment allow us to guarantee that our work will look good, smell and  feel clean.

We also have a team dedicated to hard to deal with fire, water, mold remediation. Our industrial cleaning technicians are more than happy to guide you through the process and talk to the necessary parties to make sure you don’t get ripped off . We work for the customers satisfaction and not ours.
We do all kinds of drying, , wood floors, specialty floors, tile, grout, furniture and carpet cleaning. We have experience in it all. We offer 24 hour emergency service so if a disaster strikes your industrial premises,we can help you through it. So please call our team so we can get to work for you.