Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Not Start A Lucrative Carpet Cleaning Business?

If you have an entrepreneurial mind that tells you commercial cleaning could possibly be a great source of income for you, then you could just possibly be on a winner. These days, when everyone is busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the last thing on most hard working people mind is keeping their carpets clean.

If you realize just how many people end up neglecting their homes due to work commitments, then this article may be one you may want to keep reading. There are a few things you should keep in mind before starting your own carpet cleaning business.

Don’t start big but start small. There’s no point in trying to creatre a big carpet cleaning company to try and compete with the big boys right away. Instead, start a smaller one that will have room for growth later on once you know what you are doing. In this way  you can learn the skills of the industry that you need  and also gain experience in the skill of  dealing with people. It’s always a learning curve with new businesses and their owners and you really don’t want to make huge mistakes in the beginning.

It’s always a good business practice to get signs made for your vehicles. By having your vehicles with proper signnage, you can create a brand for yourself. People often remember a slogan or a name before they remember a telephone number. If you are listed and have a web site, then people can easily look up your business and be able to contact you that way.  It's very important to make sure that people know you're there.

Explore the many forms of cleaning systems that are on offer. There’s a vast variety of carpet cleaning equipment out there such as portable units or truck mounted units. You will also have to choose between steam cleaning, dry cleaning, and even shampooing units.

Take into account the size of the equipment you purchase in relation to your van/car size. You will need to fit all of your equipment into your vehicle. Be sure to get the right equipment for the job. But not only that,  you need to get the right vehicle for the equipment. You have to be able to fit everything in quickly and easily as the more time you have to spend trying to squeeze everything inside the vehicle in a certain way just to make it all fit in, the more time you spend away from earning money and doing more jobs.

The bottom line is that it’s not too difficult to start your own carpet cleaning business. The key is to have a passion for the business and being in business for yourself. You also need to be passionate about providing the best service you possibly can so that your business can  grow and flourish 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ringwood Property Services: Commercial Cleaning-How To Clean Stainless Steel

Ringwood Property Services: Commercial Cleaning-How To Clean Stainless Steel

Commercial Cleaning-How To Clean Stainless Steel

There are a lot positive things you could say about using stainless steel in the home or office. Countertops, backsplashes, cabinetry and other installations are using stainless steel more for a fresh look, durability and for easy maintenance. If you are a commercial cleaning or office cleaning company, you will see, if you haven’t already, more and more commercial buildings are using stainless steel in elevators, splash backs and toilet fittings in bathrooms. However, many people forget that no surface is truly maintenance free. Stainless steel must still be regularly cleaned and if under the wrong, can even fall into bad disrepair.
Cleaning Stainless Steel:
To clean stainless steel  involves little more than wiping the surface down with a mild soap or detergent followed by a rinse with just plain water. To finish off, just dry the surface for a better finish. Avoid using cleaning products wherever possible unless they are specifically approved for stainless steel surfaces. The only time you need to clean stainless steel is when it looks dirty.
Stainless Steel Maintenance:
Would you believe that one of the most dangerous materials to your stainless steel is other metals? Free iron deposits can be very harmful to your stainless steel surfaces. When this metal mixes with the surface of your stainless steel, a layer of low chromium can result in reduced corrosion resistance. If the situation goes unchecked, corrosion will occur, leading to costly repair. Pickling or passivation removes this low chromium layer with acid treatment leaving only a fully restored stainless steel surface in its wake. The main difference between the two processes is the exact mixture and application of the acid.
If you find that a simple soap and water cleaning doesn't work at all, you may need this evasive chemical treatment. With both processes, it  involves the use of dangerous chemicals, so extreme caution should be properly exercised. Not only can they be harmful to you, the environment, but if not properly applied and completely extracted, your stainless steel as well. You may to consider hiring a professional to see if this treatment is necessary or warranted. However, to make sure your stainless steel has the longest life possible; it's a small price to pay.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

SEO is Vital For Your Commercial Cleaning Business Website

If you own a commercial cleaning business, a presence on the internet is absolutely vital. Many times, business owners go for the cheapest SEO company around without giving it a thought as to their reputation and past work history as well as their work ethics in the industry.

My advice is that you will always go with companies that have proven credentials when you  look for an affordable SEO company. But there are other things that you need to remember when you are looking for such a service for your commercial cleaning website. When people do SEO, there are two techniques that can be used, one being called white hat and the other black hat. The latter is like more of an unorthodox means of getting traffic to your page while the first one is the correct one out of the two.

Thus, when you are looking for a company that does SEO, you will have to ask what kind of methods they employ. You will also need to ask them for their portfolio of past past  completed projects they have and see what results they were able to achieve. You can also ask them for contact details from their clients in order to confirm their effectiveness. If they refuse to offer you such info, then steer away and look for another company.

If you want to know more about the company's reputation and how it handles its clients, you will need to call their customer service department and see how you are treated. If the company is a professional one, you will have a delightful conversation  and that is good sign. Another place where you can reinforce your opinion about it is an online community forum.

So, once you get the SEO company you are looking for, you will never need to worry that your commercial cleaning website is not getting the traffic it needs. You can take advantage of their services on a monthly basis or just pay an upfront annual fee which off course I would not recommend you do.